Welcome to the OMAT Program.
Hi, I’m Chemda. I’d like to share with you the 8 tools that, I believe, saved my life and continue to give me strength on a daily basis.
In 2016, I was visiting with doctors who looked at me like I had a quickly-approaching expiration date on my forehead. I had a giant (as one doctor phrased it, football-sized) tumor in my chest. The mass was so big, it pressed against my lung and my heart was pushed into my shoulder.
Although I was concerned about the tumor, it wasn’t the open-heart surgery that worried me. I didn’t know how I was going to survive emotionally. I wanted control over my feelings. I wanted to be happy. I started learning how our minds worked. I researched how to be happy, how to live well, what to do to live a full life. I found that all the information led to creating the OMAT program.

What is OMAT Program?

OMAT stands for One Minute at a Time.
The OMAT Program is a series of 8 simple but powerful minute-long exercises that are essential to the practice of living.
The combination of mental and physical exercises aims to enhance the resilience of your mind and body by breaking the cycle of mental noise and unnecessary thoughts, creating space for clear thinking and decisive action.
The Eight Essential OMAT Exercises

Reduce the feeling of pining, envy, and other negative, weighted thoughts by noticing your strength and power and building from that perspective.

Follow the breathing technique that can bring you to the present moment and lower your anxiety.

Organize and work through your thoughts and help manage them in a healthy way.

Stretch and strengthen your body with a simple flow.

Strengthen your core, boost your metabolism, and improve balance and posture with this full-body exercise.

Manage and prioritize thoughts and tasks to help remove unnecessary hesitation.

Increase happiness, lower loneliness and stay close with your community by inviting and building conversation and connection.

Give your body a boost and increase your heart rate with no special equipment or extra space.
Are you looking for?
- Simple ways to change your day for the better
- More control of your day/life
- Techniques to develop motivation
- Increase your personal resilience
In this 15-minute practice, members are led through all 8 (minute-long) OMAT Program exercises that help your mind, body, and spirit.
Meet for the live, virtual practice with other group members or use the video on your own.
OMAT Meetings meet virtually and are LIVE every weekday at 10 am ET. The end of each live OMAT Meet is reserved for an optional Q&A/chat session.
For our members’ privacy, we will not record our members during the session and will not make the Q&A/Chat available outside of the live meeting.
What members are saying.
“I definitely would recommend OMAT Club. It has instantly given me the morning routine I've been looking for for years!”
“Chemda is a warm and professional facilitator. It is a regular practice, designed with important self-care activities that don't seem too overwhelming at 1 minute per exercise. Great for the overwhelmed/procrastinators! “
“Really helped get myself ready mentally ready for the day. And, there is some physical movement that’s great since I have an office job and sit for 8-hrs straight.”
“It’s totally doable and a great way to instill new habits.”
“I start being productive as soon as I wake up, even if its just making the bed and doing some dishes. Starting the day with action keeps me going.”
“I don’t even know where to begin - it has changed my life completely.”
“I see the difference it's making during my day. I'm making healthier choices and it's good for me and those around me. I also think it's a good value and priced very fairly.”
“I think almost everyone who does these 8 practices regularly will see an increase in happiness, satisfaction, health and productivity, as well as a sense of connection and community.”
“If you're struggling to find peace and balance in your life, and even if you're not - this is just a great way to start your day.”
“I recommend it constantly - it's low commitment, high payoff”
“It really helped combat my procrastination. Which in my case is a huge issue!”
“I appreciated an opportunity to focus in on myself and my needs for a set period of time each day. I find that even when I am very aware of my own needs, throughout the day I balance them against other needs (work, family, friends, society in general etc.) and for the OMAT club time each day, I got to really focus on my needs and my needs alone!”
“I've had a bad habit throughout my life of ignoring things mentally and emotionally until I can't anymore. Now I keep an eye out on what's going on with me and handle things a bit more before they get overwhelming.”
“OMAT Club gave me something to wake up for, something to be ready for, and even though there's no roll call I still feel accountable to Chemda and the group to show up.”
“My tools for mental health come quicker to me now. Life still happens but I can cope with issues earlier and more effectively.”
“Jump starts my day and makes it joyful right from the start. I also see the benefits of it all throughout the day and get a lot from the quick 'dharma' talks we get from Chemda as well.”
One of the best ways that help me understand how to be a responsible adult, what my next right step is, and how to take control of my life is by meeting with people who want to learn and practice speaking and listening openly.
Let’s get together and share ideas, thoughts, feelings, hardships, support, philosophies, and other human connections in a safe, warm environment. All OMAT Workshop groups will be led with a basic format to structure our time smoothly and respectfully.
Members are not obligated to have their cameras or microphones on during these workshops. Join the meeting in whatever way is comfortable to you. Details and January OMAT Workshop info coming soon. ??Join our mailing list ??Find the OMAT meetings and workshops schedule here.
Details coming soon
OMAT Program Q & A
OMAT stands for One Minute at a Time.
The OMAT Program is a series of 8 simple but powerful minute-long exercises that are essential to the practice of living.
The combination of mental and physical exercises aims to enhance the resilience of your mind and body by breaking the cycle of mental noise and unnecessary thoughts, creating space for clear thinking and decisive action.
OMAT grew from Chemda's personal experience facing a serious illness and her search for emotional self-management. Through intensive research on happiness, positive psychology, and mindfulness practices, she crafted these effective techniques.
Regardless of physical limitations or health conditions (consult your doctor if needed), OMAT offers modifications and encourages choosing exercises that suit your unique needs. Even limited mobility can benefit from gentle yoga flow and chair-based exercises.
OMAT Program is held virtually every weekday at 10 am ET.
OMAT Meetings start with a with a quick introduction. Participants will then be guided through the eight different one-minute OMAT exercises. Short breaks may be offered between exercises.
OMAT Meetings are 15 minutes in length.
Live OMAT Meetings offer an additional, optional 5 minutes after the session with an open forum and allows participants to share their experiences with the exercises, ask questions, offer support, and engage in open dialogue about personal challenges and triumphs.
Yes. OMAT Program Meeting recordings will be available daily in your member dashboard.
No you will not be recorded.
No you dont need anything to join OMAT Program meeting but It would be helpful if you had water to keep you hydrated, a trusty writing tool and some paper to capture your thoughts. Use a mat or a spot on the floor big enough for you to stretch if you wish.
Yes! sign up to the OMAT Program Workshops and join the OMAT Program Facebook Group.
Cancel any time.