Don’t Lose Your Mind

I would like to always be kind, thoughtful, and considerate. I think many of us want that. But then, life throws us a tough moment, and we quickly react with a sharp and cruel response. How does that happen? We don’t want to be mean to people we know and love, but stress pushes us, […]

Which Way Do I Go Now?

Self-help information can sometimes sound confusing, even contradictory. One moment, I’m talking about the importance of taking breaks, and the next, I’m advocating for pushing through feelings and continuing to work. Sometimes, I emphasize the importance of doing the work, while at other times, I stress the need to play and relax. It can be […]

This is Not a Drill

This morning, I scheduled a writing session for myself. I found that writing in the morning, for me, is best. Mornings offer a fresh day, uninterrupted thoughts, and clear focus. But today’s session was not going well. I was having a hard time focusing on my research. When I found a good thought to write […]

Uncomfortable But Worth It

I was thinking about how to get things done. Just like everyone else, there are some things that come easy to me. We all have certain talents or aptitudes that feel natural as soon as we try them. There are also tasks and activities that become easier over time. Anything we do repeatedly becomes familiar […]

No One Is Coming

There are times when I need help, and it’s not always possible to get it right away. Maybe the people or resources I need aren’t available, or the person I want help from isn’t able or willing to provide it. Even though I understand that not everything can happen on my timeline, it still feels […]

What If I Don’t Enjoy the Journey?

Sometimes, self-help ideas can be irritating. If I’m not careful, they can bother me too. Statements like “It’s not the destination, it’s the journey” can be frustrating. Sometimes, the journey is really hard, and I don’t feel like being on it. I wonder what there is to like about the journey when it feels like […]

Wouldn’t It Be Nice

Sometimes, I don’t want to grow or learn. I just want to sit and stare at the ocean while my favorite foods magically appear. These moments can be unsettling. My mind starts judging, making me worry I’ve lost all my progress and will fall into a rut. But I have to catch myself and laugh; […]

Give Me a Sign

Change is challenging, especially when it’s hard to pinpoint exactly what to change or how to go about it. I’m experiencing multiple transitions right now: a new career, a new city, and the changes that come with being a 48-year-old female. While it can be exciting, I forget to find the thrill in the newness […]

Dear ChatGPT, What Do I Do Now?

This morning, I woke up feeling “off.” In a moment of introspection, I decided to ask ChatGPT for some guidance. Here’s the prompt I typed: “I’m 48 years old, I just left a 19-year career to start a new one that is moving really slow. I also moved out of my home city into a […]

What Are You Looking At?

Why look at my mistakes? It feels embarrassing and frustrating, and most likely, if I’m replaying a mistake, it’s because I didn’t get what I wanted or needed from my efforts. For example, maybe my goal was getting into better shape. If I made an effort and saw no results—or, even worse, ended up in […]