It’s Not Safe in There

We all need safe spaces where we can express ourselves freely, without fear of judgement. But have you ever considered the most constant voice you hear? It’s your own. Notice this: Would you ever speak to someone in a safe space the way you sometimes talk to yourself? The language we use matters, and it […]

The Struggle is Real

I am willing to bet that every great accomplishment you’ve achieved took a lot of work. Everything you value, that you are proud of, took time and effort. This might make you wonder: Why settle for the easy way out? Instant gratification is like a sugar high, it could provide a rush of pleasure, like […]

They’re not doing it to you… they’re just doing it.

A friend recently asked me for some advice on a situation. After listening to their dilemma, I offered what I thought were helpful suggestions, based on my own experiences. To my surprise, my friend reacted poorly, almost as if I had attacked them. I felt confused and hurt.  “Did I say the wrong thing?” “Was […]

Role Playing

When you see a character in a movie struggling with their obligations, having a hard time finding what they need, and losing hope in their ability to feel happy, what do you do? I think we tend to root for them. We hope they turn a corner. We hope they find the strength to persevere. […]

You Are What You Repeat

We make dozens, if not hundreds, even thousands of decisions a day. What will I wear today? Where will I have lunch? Who will I spend time with this weekend? When can I take a vacation? All of these decisions turn into action (or inaction) and create a life; every time I repeat a decision, […]

Programming My Personal Operating System

I was raised with a strict, old-world upbringing. I felt limited and wanted more independence. As a young adult, I rebelled, rejecting those ingrained patterns without creating new ones. The result? A chaotic life filled with last-minute scrambles to meet deadlines, the adrenaline rush of perpetually running late for appointments, and financial stress from late […]

First Things First

There are times when I’m working on a project and become constantly distracted. I try to write, but my mind starts bouncing from thought to thought: vacation plans, a lunchtime craving, even work-related detours like emails or project ideas. This likely happens because I haven’t truly committed to the writing task at hand. I sit […]

What Do I Get

I can lose sight of how sweet my life is sometimes. I get caught up in all the things I need to do and forget to notice what’s already there. On those days, weeks, months, I get caught in the grind of my daily work, I don’t notice my accomplishments, and everything turns into a […]

Getting to Know Me

We make countless decisions every day, all based on the information and experiences we’ve accumulated throughout our lives. Why did we choose that salad for lunch? Why didn’t we book that beach vacation? Why did we react a certain way when talking to that person? These choices, big and small, are shaped by the “self” […]

Resistance and Discomfort

When I start a new habit or make a change in my life, I can feel a strong resistance in my mind and body. I want to do the task, believing it will improve my life, but there’s a struggle to follow through. Our brains are wired to avoid discomfort. So, when I ask myself […]