Whenever I set a new goal, I need to start by reminding myself: this will take time. Sometimes, I imagine a long-term goal like a tiny seed, full of potential but needing care and time to flourish. Just like a seed, my goal starts small, but holds the promise of something great, something that will enrich my life.
The start of a project can be exhilarating. The promise of reaching a new place in my life and the potential to achieve something I can be proud of is exciting. However, the work itself can feel tedious and frustrating, especially when I crave results faster than they appear.
Planting that seed is just the first step. Like any goal, there are many initial steps: researching, planning, and even believing in yourself. And, just like a seed needs sunlight and water, my goal needs consistent effort and tending. There will be days when doubt creeps in, like harsh weather threatening a sprout. But here’s the key: resist the urge to yell at the plant to grow faster! Adjustments and setbacks are normal along the way.
Just like a garden doesn’t bloom all at once, my progress might come in spurts. Then, one day, I’ll see a small bloom peeking out of the soil.
Goals often start from a modest, humble place. My focus is to nurture them, adjust the plan as needed, and be patient with the results.
ACTION: Tend to your “garden” today. Choose a small action related to your long-term dream, even if the results won’t be instant.