How is That Working for You

In my childhood home, being quiet felt safe. When I did express myself, the more agreeable I was, the better the outcome for me. As I grew older, this silence directed my personality and I became shy. I wanted to be picked for a singing part in a school play and didn’t speak up. I […]

The Struggle is Real

I am willing to bet that every great accomplishment you’ve achieved took a lot of work. Everything you value, that you are proud of, took time and effort. This might make you wonder: Why settle for the easy way out? Instant gratification is like a sugar high, it could provide a rush of pleasure, like […]

Resistance and Discomfort

When I start a new habit or make a change in my life, I can feel a strong resistance in my mind and body. I want to do the task, believing it will improve my life, but there’s a struggle to follow through. Our brains are wired to avoid discomfort. So, when I ask myself […]