WAIT – Why Am I Talking?

I had to find a way to stop myself from getting trapped in the same frustrating cycle—repeating myself, saying the same things over and over, desperately trying to get someone I love to finally understand me. I’d catch myself in the middle of a monologue, saying it again for the 58th time, hoping that this […]

Why Feelings Matter

How are you? How are you doing? What are you feeling? These questions are everywhere, but they’ve mostly turned into polite greetings. We often respond with a quick, “Fine,” “Can’t complain,” or “Not bad.” But what if we paused and asked ourselves, “What am I really feeling right now?” A lot of us might feel […]

Shifting Mindsets with Simple Tricks

My brother, Michael, recently showed me a clever way he taught his kids to “trick” their minds when faced with something they resist. During my visit, he told his 4-year-old it was time for medicine, which brought instant tears. The anticipated taste was enough to cause a meltdown, so Michael reminded him they could use […]

When Helping Hurts

I’ve always loved helping. I’d jump in to make someone’s work easier, help their party go smoothly, or even try to boost their self-esteem. It felt good to be the person who set aside my own needs to be of service. But when I really looked at it, I started to see it wasn’t all […]

I’m Every Woman

Sometimes I get really loud and excitable and need a party of people to have fun with. Sometimes, I think the world is too loud and I need to be quiet and alone. Sometimes I want to share my controversial opinions and scream them at everyone. Sometimes I just want to sit back and listen. […]

Stop Giving Advice

A few years ago, I made the decision to stop giving unsolicited advice. It’s been tough to stick with, especially when someone opens up and I think I have the perfect solution. The urge to fix problems is strong. But I’ve come to believe that resisting that impulse makes me a better, kinder person. When […]

Don’t Lose Your Mind

I would like to always be kind, thoughtful, and considerate. I think many of us want that. But then, life throws us a tough moment, and we quickly react with a sharp and cruel response. How does that happen? We don’t want to be mean to people we know and love, but stress pushes us, […]

Practice Being Pissed – How to Respond

Now that I admit, notice, name, and recognize my reactions to emotions like anger, fear, and annoyance, I can practice living with them. Before, I was practicing squashing them down. Now, I’m practicing playing and experimenting with them. It sounds funny to say that. How would a person practice feelings? Here’s how: When I’m in […]

Take These Feelings, PLEASE!

First, I admitted I had a rainbow of feelings—emotions that extend beyond sweet joy and happiness to include those associated with negativity like anger, hurt, and sadness. Then I worked on noticing and naming my emotions. The next question became: what do I do about them? In the past, expressing anger hasn’t always led to […]

What Are These Feelings?

How do I get from admitting I have feelings to knowing what they are and when I feel them? It took me a while to even admit I have a range of emotions. What can I do to identify and deal with them when they arise? One big tool I use is to write it […]