Go Help Yourself!

We all want to be better, but sometimes self-help gets a bad rap. People might think it’s about neglecting responsibilities or quick fixes. But the truth is, self-care takes work! It’s not about magic potions or fairy dust – lasting improvement requires effort. Think about basic self-care routines. They’re small systems that keep us grounded […]

Resistance and Discomfort

When I start a new habit or make a change in my life, I can feel a strong resistance in my mind and body. I want to do the task, believing it will improve my life, but there’s a struggle to follow through. Our brains are wired to avoid discomfort. So, when I ask myself […]

FBR: Fast, Bad, and Wrong

Every time I sit down to write, I yearn for flawless sentences to flow effortlessly onto the page, constructing masterpieces of articulation. However, this relentless pressure to craft perfect sentences stifles my creativity. I become riddled with self-doubt, incessantly second-guessing myself with questions like “Is this important?” “Is it interesting?” “Am I achieving everything I […]

Your Ad Here

Why do Coke and Pepsi still advertise? We’ve seen the brands enough to know who they are. But we’ll keep seeing big-budget commercials for products we know because a big part of marketing is repetition. The brands we recognize are the ones that feel more safe. Our minds are wired to go towards the familiar. […]