The Sit in Silence Challenge

From the moment I wake up to the time I go to sleep, I have access to endless entertainment and information. Movies, short videos, entire series, vlogs, blogs, books, music, podcasts—you name it. And it’s not all mindless. A lot of it helps me learn, tweak my habits, and stay on track. But as helpful […]

Boundaries Over Blame

When something goes wrong, it’s easy to blame someone else. Maybe my parents didn’t give me what I needed, my partner isn’t noticing me, or my friend is too demanding. Any of those things could be true, but putting all my frustration on other people rarely makes things better. I believe in being direct and […]

Baby Steps to Adulting

I never liked the idea of talking to myself like a child. It feels like I’m shrinking myself down. But the reality is, it’s so effective! We’re so gentle with children. When they’re scared, we take the time to ask why, figure out what’s behind the fear, and we reassure them. If they’re in HALT […]

That’s What You Get

There are many beliefs about being a good person and living a virtuous life, and one popular idea is that when you do good for others, good things will come back to you—what some people believe is the essence of karma. But I don’t see it that way. I don’t think life rewards us with […]

An Epiphany on Epiphanies

I’ve had a few epiphanies in my life. It’s an amazing feeling, like discovering a hidden room in my home. The door opens to a thought, and suddenly my view expands. It feels magical. Even though I just described it as life-altering, I remind myself not to seek out results like that—or results in general—when […]

Toxic Positivity

For a long time, I resisted things like yoga, meditation, and gratitude practice because there was a stigma attached to people who practiced mindfulness. They were often considered flaky and out of touch. But when I started having back issues and my usual strategies—ignoring it until it went away or having it dismissed by a […]

Beyond Comfort: Finding True Satisfaction

In our modern world, we are constantly bombarded with messages that promise comfort and convenience. From ads promoting the latest gadgets to the allure of quick-fix solutions, it’s easy to get caught in a cycle of seeking immediate gratification. However, this relentless pursuit of comfort often leaves us feeling unfulfilled. The truth is, true satisfaction […]