Managing the To-Do List
Today, like you, I have a list of things I need to do. I have to get out of bed. I have to get dressed. I have to feed myself. I have to exercise. The list goes on. We all know that feeling. And as the list builds, so can feelings of dread. The more […]
Stop Suffering
Every day brings its own set of challenges. Just when I think I’ve found my rhythm for a productive day, that’s when I get a flat tire on my bike. Or I catch a cold that knocks me out. Or a family member calls with bad news. What I’ve learned is that there’s no such […]
Get Unstuck in One Minute
I rolled my eyes the first time someone suggested I make a gratitude list. Meditation seemed like a waste of productive time, and yoga? That was for hippies. It took me a while to realize that I was responding out of ignorance—rejecting things I’d never sincerely tried. Nothing keeps me more locked into ignorance than […]
Comparing is Dangerous
I was watching a documentary about poverty and homelessness in the U.S., and I got curious about the comments. A lot of people were saying things like, “I thought I had it bad, but now I know to be grateful.” One person even shared an old saying: “I felt bad for myself because I had […]
Check My Nails. Baby How You Feelin’?
I can tell a lot about how I’m doing just by looking at my nails. It might sound strange, but they’re a pretty reliable indicator of how well I’m taking care of myself. When my nails are uneven, chipped, or my cuticles are a mess, it’s usually because I’ve neglected them. Maybe a nail broke […]