Version You.0: Update Your System

Day four of comparing humans to computers How long do you wait to update your computer’s software? A day? A week? Never? It’s supposed to be a no-brainer, right? Updates improve performance and security. So why do we resist updating ourselves? Two reasons: Time investment: Learning new things takes time and effort. Fear of change: […]

Restart: When Pausing Makes Things Faster

Day three of comparing humans to computers Ever stare at a document for so long the words start to blur? Just like restarting a computer clears some of the issues by starting over, taking a break from a task can work wonders. When we focus on the same work for too long, our perception changes. […]

Put Your Mind Into It – What is Mindfulness?

Imagine I tell you, as you leave this room, to be mindful of the couch. What does that mean? Does it make you wonder about its placement, price tag, or how comfortable it looks? This instruction to pay attention to the couch is actually an example of mindfulness. It’s not just about passively experiencing the […]

How is That Interesting? – How to beat criticism with curiosity

Do you have a favorite day of the week? There’s the “TGIF” crowd, and then there are those who dread Mondays. Can you relate to my strange satisfaction in the fresh start a new work week brings? Maybe it’s the sense of rejuvenation from a relaxing or exciting weekend. Time off actually fuels my excitement […]