Don’t Run Away
Sometimes I feel like running away. That feeling is always a signal, a heads-up that something is wrong. Usually, it happens because I’m running on fumes—depleted of basic things like food, sleep, or fun. Other times, I start thinking about everything I need to do for the day, and the sheer size of the list […]
Stop Worrying
My mind used to slip into relentless loops of repetitive thoughts—about my workload, family worries, and all the other “bla bla bla” of life. But with practice, I’ve learned that I actually have the ability to decide where my thoughts go and what I think about throughout the day. It didn’t happen overnight, though. It […]
This is Not a Drill
This morning, I scheduled a writing session for myself. I found that writing in the morning, for me, is best. Mornings offer a fresh day, uninterrupted thoughts, and clear focus. But today’s session was not going well. I was having a hard time focusing on my research. When I found a good thought to write […]
What If I Don’t Enjoy the Journey?
Sometimes, self-help ideas can be irritating. If I’m not careful, they can bother me too. Statements like “It’s not the destination, it’s the journey” can be frustrating. Sometimes, the journey is really hard, and I don’t feel like being on it. I wonder what there is to like about the journey when it feels like […]
Dear ChatGPT, What Do I Do Now?
This morning, I woke up feeling “off.” In a moment of introspection, I decided to ask ChatGPT for some guidance. Here’s the prompt I typed: “I’m 48 years old, I just left a 19-year career to start a new one that is moving really slow. I also moved out of my home city into a […]
What Are You Looking At?
Why look at my mistakes? It feels embarrassing and frustrating, and most likely, if I’m replaying a mistake, it’s because I didn’t get what I wanted or needed from my efforts. For example, maybe my goal was getting into better shape. If I made an effort and saw no results—or, even worse, ended up in […]
Living with Myself
Why am I constantly talking about and seeking ways to help myself and be a better person? Because I live with me all day, every day. When I’m not taking care of myself, it feels like I’m carrying a sick toddler—someone who is screaming, crying, and miserably in pain. It weighs on my day, making […]
Don’t Panic!
I love those videos where a toddler thinks they’re stuck but just needs to duck, move a small object, or stand up for a different perspective. It’s funny how it gets me emotional about how I handle my own issues. Like those kids, I have panicked when something changed or challenged me. I worried, felt […]
What Does “Finding Yourself” Mean?
What does finding yourself mean? It sounds made up. I’m right here. I can see myself. Who would I be looking for? Well, I have felt lost before. I’ve lost track of my goals, gotten lost in a social media scroll, or lost myself in a good book. Sometimes, I even feel like my actions […]
Admit You Have Feelings!
I used to believe that feeling ‘negative’ emotions was a sign of weakness. Anger, sadness, fear – these were emotions reserved for villains in movies, not for someone who aspired to be kind and positive. So, I pushed them down, buried them deep, convinced that a life without these dark emotions would be brighter. I […]