On an Ordinary Day. The Extraordinary Way.
I have no big or exciting activities scheduled for today. There will be nothing to post about on social media, nothing to report back when I get home, and no new interesting stories to tell. Today is just a regular day. I have plans to do my morning routine, go on my daily bike ride, […]
Present Power Practice
I’ve been obsessed with reviewing the past. I called it processing. I’ve been consumed with guessing future outcomes. I called it goal setting. These thoughts seemed really important. How will I know where I was and how will I know where I’m going if I don’t think about it? The truth is that these thought […]
Confronting Unwanted Feelings
What happens when you’re confronted with feelings you don’t want to have? For a long time, I made a habit of pushing them down. They felt ugly, and I wanted them hidden, not just from everyone else but from myself as well. I didn’t want to be the kind of person who felt loneliness, anger, […]
Moving and Meltdowns: Emotional Resilience
I recently moved, and if you’ve ever experienced relocating from one home to another, you know it’s a challenging task that requires a lot of patience. I told one of my brothers that I was really proud to have had only had one minor meltdown during this difficult move. He laughed, saying a meltdown is […]
Practicing for the Unpredictable
It’s incredibly frustrating not to be able to predict the future. It’s challenging to put in the work without knowing the outcome. It’s scary to love without knowing if that person will be there for you in the ways you need. So how do I know where to invest my energy? Despite the uncertainty, I’m […]
I Want My Mommy: How to Adult
Life can be really challenging sometimes… a lot of times. I’ve started to think of myself as the person I’m assigned to take care of. Parenting myself seemed like a sad idea at first. Shouldn’t I have parents for that? Is it pathetic to need to self-soothe? That’s when I need the good self-talk to […]
Keep Calm and Carry On – How to Avoid Regrettable Decisions
Ever said something you instantly regretted in the heat of the moment? Yeah, me too. It’s easy to let emotions cloud our thinking, especially when we’re feeling overwhelmed with anger, frustration, or even sadness. It’s common to let emotions cloud our thinking. Have you ever fallen in love with a vacation spot and considered moving […]
Put Your Mind Into It – What is Mindfulness?
Imagine I tell you, as you leave this room, to be mindful of the couch. What does that mean? Does it make you wonder about its placement, price tag, or how comfortable it looks? This instruction to pay attention to the couch is actually an example of mindfulness. It’s not just about passively experiencing the […]
Getting to Know Me
We make countless decisions every day, all based on the information and experiences we’ve accumulated throughout our lives. Why did we choose that salad for lunch? Why didn’t we book that beach vacation? Why did we react a certain way when talking to that person? These choices, big and small, are shaped by the “self” […]
Mad About You
Some people think that because I’m interested in practicing mindfulness and work on my well-being means I never get angry, sad, or disappointed. The truth is, I experience a full range of emotions. My intention with self-work isn’t to suppress emotions, but to manage them productively. My goal is to respond rationally rather than react […]