Direct Your Mind

Why do I keep learning how my mind works? Why do I keep practicing mindfulness exercises? What is all this effort actually doing? The more I learn about the mind, the more I see it as a tool. And like any tool, it needs to be kept clean, organized, and sharp. Here’s how I think […]

Your Only Competition Is You

A few years ago, I signed up for a triathlon. It was labeled a sprint—a “quick race” by triathletes, with half a mile of swimming, 10 miles of biking, and 3 miles of running. For me, this was huge. I’ve never been a runner—actually, I’d call what I do jogging at best. On a bike, […]

Dealing with Disruption

I’ve developed a few routines for my day to help things go smoother—including some physical and mental exercises like planking, yoga, writing. I’ve done these long enough that I don’t need to think about it; I just move from one habit to the next. That’s what I love about repetition. But what happens when that […]

Make It Manageable

When I start to feel overwhelmed by my day’s tasks, I try to remind myself: if the task feels too big, it’s not the next task. It needs to be broken down into smaller, manageable steps. Any project I need to complete, any goal I want to reach, is really a series of smaller tasks […]

A Walk into the Unknown

Today, I’m joining a Philly social group that invites people to take walks together. I’ll be going by myself, not knowing a single person in this new group or this new city. It might be a terrible idea—and I’m really glad I’m doing it anyway. Even if it turns out to be boring, lonely, or […]

Facing Life’s Tough Moments

Today’s going to be tough. How do I know? Every day has its own struggles. The weight of responsibility is real. Years ago, if you’d asked me if I struggled, I would have smiled and said, “Not at all.” That’s because I was ignoring everything I didn’t want to deal with. Bad relationships, taxes, even […]

Who’s Fault Is It Anyway?

Whose fault is it that your life is harder than it needs to be? Who set you back? Was it a parent, the lack of parents, a teacher, a neighbor, a friend, or an ex? You’re probably right—if they didn’t do the damaging things they did to you, your life might be different. It’s not […]