Don’t Run Away
Sometimes I feel like running away. That feeling is always a signal, a heads-up that something is wrong. Usually, it happens because I’m running on fumes—depleted of basic things like food, sleep, or fun. Other times, I start thinking about everything I need to do for the day, and the sheer size of the list […]
Beating Perfection Paralysis
I’ve struggled with organization my whole life. Growing up, my room was always messy. In school, my binder and folders would end up a disaster within days of starting the school year. As an adult, this translated into my mail and paper system. I couldn’t keep track of anything. Piles and bags of paperwork would […]
While I generally consider myself patient and approach situations with respect and kindness, there are times when I experience irritation and overwhelm. This negatively affects my emotional state, behavior, and decision-making. When I respond from this place, I might mistakenly cause damage to a relationship, my work, or even to myself. That’s where HALT comes […]
I Can’t Do It… Yet
Sometimes, life feels so overwhelming. There is so much to do in order to maintain the basics of being a responsible adult. It’s exhausting and it can get me down and make me feel defeated. When life gets difficult, and I start thinking things like “I can’t do it”, it scares me. Can’t do what? […]