Dealing with Disruption

I’ve developed a few routines for my day to help things go smoother—including some physical and mental exercises like planking, yoga, writing. I’ve done these long enough that I don’t need to think about it; I just move from one habit to the next. That’s what I love about repetition. But what happens when that […]

Be The Change

When I want to start a new habit, I think about it as becoming a slightly different version of myself—still me, but with something fresh. A new habit means change and growth, which also means stepping into an unfamiliar, uncomfortable but hopeful space. I know now that part of building any new habit is building […]

Why Feelings Matter

How are you? How are you doing? What are you feeling? These questions are everywhere, but they’ve mostly turned into polite greetings. We often respond with a quick, “Fine,” “Can’t complain,” or “Not bad.” But what if we paused and asked ourselves, “What am I really feeling right now?” A lot of us might feel […]

Living with Pain

I’m in a lot of pain from my accident. Of course, I don’t want to be, but just wishing it away isn’t exactly a plan. When my body hurts, it doesn’t just stop there—my mind gets involved, trying every trick it knows to get rid of it. And if I deny the pain, it’s like […]

How to Handle Disappointment

There are so many moments in life where we don’t get what we want, even when we’ve done everything right. We’ve shown up, put in the effort, done what we’re supposed to, and still, the outcome disappoints us. Think of a friend who has taken care of her health all her life, yet she’s the […]

Shifting Mindsets with Simple Tricks

My brother, Michael, recently showed me a clever way he taught his kids to “trick” their minds when faced with something they resist. During my visit, he told his 4-year-old it was time for medicine, which brought instant tears. The anticipated taste was enough to cause a meltdown, so Michael reminded him they could use […]

How Mental Tools Aid Healing

I have a cast on my right arm and hand because of a fracture near my wrist. Interestingly, this cast isn’t what’s healing the bone itself. My body is doing that on its own, slowly. So why wear a cast? It’s not a magic fix; it’s there to protect me from doing more harm while […]

How to Get What You Want

It’s almost my birthday! Okay, I know it’s not almost my birthday—it’s on December 2nd. And I also know I don’t really have a whole “birthday month” or “birthday week,” but I like to say it anyway. Why? Because it gives me something to look forward to. The excitement of knowing there’s a day (or […]

When Helping Hurts

I’ve always loved helping. I’d jump in to make someone’s work easier, help their party go smoothly, or even try to boost their self-esteem. It felt good to be the person who set aside my own needs to be of service. But when I really looked at it, I started to see it wasn’t all […]

I’m Every Woman

Sometimes I get really loud and excitable and need a party of people to have fun with. Sometimes, I think the world is too loud and I need to be quiet and alone. Sometimes I want to share my controversial opinions and scream them at everyone. Sometimes I just want to sit back and listen. […]