I’m a Big Baby

Every time I start a new project or try something I’ve never done before, like many of us, I feel clumsy, frustrated, and seriously tempted to abandon it. The discomfort is undeniable. To interrupt the urge to throw in the towel, I find it helpful to remember watching my nephews learn how to walk. They […]

FBR: Fast, Bad, and Wrong

Every time I sit down to write, I yearn for flawless sentences to flow effortlessly onto the page, constructing masterpieces of articulation. However, this relentless pressure to craft perfect sentences stifles my creativity. I become riddled with self-doubt, incessantly second-guessing myself with questions like “Is this important?” “Is it interesting?” “Am I achieving everything I […]


Reflecting on our mistakes is vital, but what if we also applaud the successes, the parts that worked well? In the past, I used to take a midday walk to a coffee shop and treat myself to a cappuccino. It was a delightful way to boost my day. However, I realized that this habit had […]

First Draft

Every blog I write starts as a draft, and I know it will need at least one rewrite. This is true for any writing, whether it’s playwrights, authors, TV writers, or anyone else. We all write, rewrite, and revise. In fact, TV writers often stay on set during filming to make on-the-spot changes to lines […]

Know My No

Saying “no” was an alien concept in my vocabulary. Friends, family, colleagues – everyone received an automatic “yes” from me, regardless of the request. This “help-everyone-always” attitude wasn’t heroism, it was people-pleasing gone wild. My own needs became buried under a constant barrage of unrealistic deadlines and unexpected errands for others. Helping everyone meant pushing […]

I Can’t Do It… Yet

Sometimes, life feels so overwhelming. There is so much to do in order to maintain the basics of being a responsible adult. It’s exhausting and it can get me down and make me feel defeated. When life gets difficult, and I start thinking things like “I can’t do it”, it scares me. Can’t do what? […]

Your Ad Here

Why do Coke and Pepsi still advertise? We’ve seen the brands enough to know who they are. But we’ll keep seeing big-budget commercials for products we know because a big part of marketing is repetition. The brands we recognize are the ones that feel more safe. Our minds are wired to go towards the familiar. […]