Recharge Like a Game

Some days, midday hits and my energy crashes. It feels like I’ve been drained of everything I need to keep going. Like I just ran out of steam, all at once. But when I really look back, there were always signs—hunger, thirst, tension, or just a general sense of overwhelm. I decided to try thinking […]

Own It Like a Minimalist

Minimalism isn’t about rules or restrictions; it’s about making life lighter and more intentional. One idea I’ve borrowed from minimalist philosophy is the concept of “reframing ownership.” Instead of thinking, “This is mine,” it’s about asking, “How do I take care of this so it works for me?” When I look at ownership this way, […]

Dealing with Disruption

I’ve developed a few routines for my day to help things go smoother—including some physical and mental exercises like planking, yoga, writing. I’ve done these long enough that I don’t need to think about it; I just move from one habit to the next. That’s what I love about repetition. But what happens when that […]

Fighting Loneliness

Life feels really hard sometimes. Right now, more people feel isolated than ever. Experts are even calling loneliness a modern epidemic. We don’t naturally run into each other like we used to. Many of us work remotely, cutting off the casual connections we’d have during the day. Our devices give us information we once had […]

Living with Pain

I’m in a lot of pain from my accident. Of course, I don’t want to be, but just wishing it away isn’t exactly a plan. When my body hurts, it doesn’t just stop there—my mind gets involved, trying every trick it knows to get rid of it. And if I deny the pain, it’s like […]

How to Handle Disappointment

There are so many moments in life where we don’t get what we want, even when we’ve done everything right. We’ve shown up, put in the effort, done what we’re supposed to, and still, the outcome disappoints us. Think of a friend who has taken care of her health all her life, yet she’s the […]

Programming My Mind

I’ve had a daily routine for years that includes consuming mindful information—things like managing emotions, boosting productivity, or overcoming overwhelm. You’d think I’d have all the answers by now. A lot of the lessons and tools I come across these days are familiar, sometimes just repackaged in different words or with a new example. So, […]

How to Get What You Want

It’s almost my birthday! Okay, I know it’s not almost my birthday—it’s on December 2nd. And I also know I don’t really have a whole “birthday month” or “birthday week,” but I like to say it anyway. Why? Because it gives me something to look forward to. The excitement of knowing there’s a day (or […]

When Helping Hurts

I’ve always loved helping. I’d jump in to make someone’s work easier, help their party go smoothly, or even try to boost their self-esteem. It felt good to be the person who set aside my own needs to be of service. But when I really looked at it, I started to see it wasn’t all […]

Don’t Run Away

Sometimes I feel like running away. That feeling is always a signal, a heads-up that something is wrong. Usually, it happens because I’m running on fumes—depleted of basic things like food, sleep, or fun. Other times, I start thinking about everything I need to do for the day, and the sheer size of the list […]