Reward Progress Like a Game

Sometimes, the thing that will help us move forward—the thing that actually leads to the life we want—is the boring thing. The thing we never really feel like doing. And that’s probably why we avoid it. So, how do we get ourselves to do it? We build systems like a game. Games are designed to […]

Becoming What You Repeat

I am going to do it again today—repeat the basic routine I promised myself. I make sure to do at least some small movements and mind-healthy workouts. I allow simple exercises to count: meditating for a minute, taking a walk around the block, journaling, etc. Sometimes I do longer workouts; sometimes I do just enough […]

Actively Generate Motivation

This morning, I woke up needing a bit of a boost. I spent about half an hour listening to motivational speakers—lecturers, storytellers, even the occasional yeller—and watched some videos. It’s one of the ways I get myself going. I’ve realized that motivation doesn’t always show up just because I want it to. It’s something I […]

Be The Change

When I want to start a new habit, I think about it as becoming a slightly different version of myself—still me, but with something fresh. A new habit means change and growth, which also means stepping into an unfamiliar, uncomfortable but hopeful space. I know now that part of building any new habit is building […]

A Walk into the Unknown

Today, I’m joining a Philly social group that invites people to take walks together. I’ll be going by myself, not knowing a single person in this new group or this new city. It might be a terrible idea—and I’m really glad I’m doing it anyway. Even if it turns out to be boring, lonely, or […]

Facing Life’s Tough Moments

Today’s going to be tough. How do I know? Every day has its own struggles. The weight of responsibility is real. Years ago, if you’d asked me if I struggled, I would have smiled and said, “Not at all.” That’s because I was ignoring everything I didn’t want to deal with. Bad relationships, taxes, even […]

This is Not a Drill

This morning, I scheduled a writing session for myself. I found that writing in the morning, for me, is best. Mornings offer a fresh day, uninterrupted thoughts, and clear focus. But today’s session was not going well. I was having a hard time focusing on my research. When I found a good thought to write […]