Take Control Like a Stoic
There are things we can all point to in life that weren’t fair: the way we were raised, the resources we didn’t have, the struggles handed to us without our say. And we’d be right to feel upset about them. But if we live our lives focusing on how unfair it all is, we end […]
How To See Real Progress with Atomic Habits
Progress can be frustrating to measure. You’re putting in the effort, showing up, doing the work—and yet the finish line still feels so far away. It’s easy to feel like you’re stuck, like nothing’s changing. I know I’ve felt that way plenty of times. But in Atomic Habits, James Clear offers a way to reframe […]
It’s Not Too Late
I’m 49 years old right now, and I’ve had the thought, “It’s too late for me.” What’s interesting is I’ve felt that way at so many points in my life—at 39, 33, 23, 17, and even earlier. Looking back, I can see that it wasn’t about my circumstances or my age. It was a feeling. […]
Coping with Setbacks
I used to hate the saying “two steps forward, one step back.” It always seemed unfair that after putting in all the effort to move ahead, I’d suddenly be dragged back again—like some invisible force kept holding me back. That one step back used to feel like failure, and it could be enough to make […]
Why Feelings Matter
How are you? How are you doing? What are you feeling? These questions are everywhere, but they’ve mostly turned into polite greetings. We often respond with a quick, “Fine,” “Can’t complain,” or “Not bad.” But what if we paused and asked ourselves, “What am I really feeling right now?” A lot of us might feel […]
How to Get What You Want
It’s almost my birthday! Okay, I know it’s not almost my birthday—it’s on December 2nd. And I also know I don’t really have a whole “birthday month” or “birthday week,” but I like to say it anyway. Why? Because it gives me something to look forward to. The excitement of knowing there’s a day (or […]
Resisting Activities I Love
Last night, I had my regular call with my brothers. We meet once a week to catch up, and honestly, I didn’t feel like getting on the call. I was considering canceling when, right on time, the phone rang. I picked it up, and we ended up chatting for hours. I had a blast. What […]
When Helping Hurts
I’ve always loved helping. I’d jump in to make someone’s work easier, help their party go smoothly, or even try to boost their self-esteem. It felt good to be the person who set aside my own needs to be of service. But when I really looked at it, I started to see it wasn’t all […]
I’m Every Woman
Sometimes I get really loud and excitable and need a party of people to have fun with. Sometimes, I think the world is too loud and I need to be quiet and alone. Sometimes I want to share my controversial opinions and scream them at everyone. Sometimes I just want to sit back and listen. […]
How I Unleash by Yelling on Paper
It sounds easy but it took time and practice to write openly about the things I didn’t want to feel or acknowledge within myself. Anger, fear, or resentful thoughts felt like they needed to be ignored until they disappeared. I didn’t want to identify as someone who was unkind or angry. But that’s not how […]