Recharge Your Battery: Don’t Run on Empty

Day two of comparing humans to computers Your laptop battery is on the brink, flashing warnings, begging for a charge. You keep saying “just one more email,” but eventually, it shuts down. Just like our laptops, we humans need to recharge too. Picture a battery above your head, its charge reflecting your energy levels. Activities […]

Put Your Mind Into It – What is Mindfulness?

Imagine I tell you, as you leave this room, to be mindful of the couch. What does that mean? Does it make you wonder about its placement, price tag, or how comfortable it looks? This instruction to pay attention to the couch is actually an example of mindfulness. It’s not just about passively experiencing the […]

Let it Pain: Ache is a Signal, Not a Sentence

Pain is a universal language. It’s a flashing red light, a signal that something’s wrong. Our natural instinct might be to wish it away, numb it down, or ignore it altogether. But pain serves a purpose – it’s trying to get our attention. If we ignore that insistent ache, we miss an opportunity. We lose […]

Make “Most Days” Count: How to keep your habit even if you miss a day.

Years ago, when I first attempted morning yoga, the idea of a daily practice felt daunting. Stepping straight from no morning exercise to a sun salutation every single day? No way. Back then, I subscribed to the “all or nothing” mentality. If it wasn’t a perfect, rigid routine, I worried it wasn’t worth doing at […]