Master Pressure Like a Game
When I’m under pressure, my first instinct isn’t always the best one. I catch myself rushing, overthinking, or reacting too fast—like I’m button-mashing in a game, hoping something works. But that usually just makes things worse. (And no one likes playing with the button-smasher.) Good players don’t just hit buttons at random. They move with […]
Don’t Run Away
Sometimes I feel like running away. That feeling is always a signal, a heads-up that something is wrong. Usually, it happens because I’m running on fumes—depleted of basic things like food, sleep, or fun. Other times, I start thinking about everything I need to do for the day, and the sheer size of the list […]
Don’t Lose Your Mind
I would like to always be kind, thoughtful, and considerate. I think many of us want that. But then, life throws us a tough moment, and we quickly react with a sharp and cruel response. How does that happen? We don’t want to be mean to people we know and love, but stress pushes us, […]
Moving and Meltdowns: Emotional Resilience
I recently moved, and if you’ve ever experienced relocating from one home to another, you know it’s a challenging task that requires a lot of patience. I told one of my brothers that I was really proud to have had only had one minor meltdown during this difficult move. He laughed, saying a meltdown is […]
Practicing for the Unpredictable
It’s incredibly frustrating not to be able to predict the future. It’s challenging to put in the work without knowing the outcome. It’s scary to love without knowing if that person will be there for you in the ways you need. So how do I know where to invest my energy? Despite the uncertainty, I’m […]
If It’s Hysterical, It’s historical – Why We Lose Our Minds
You’re on hold for the 20th minute with customer service, the internet has been down all morning, and now your boss emails you about a looming deadline. Suddenly, you find yourself yelling at the polite customer service rep on the other end of the line. “It’s not like me to blow up like that!” you […]