Struggling to Start

“The secret to getting ahead is getting started.” – Mark Twain Getting started can feel like one of the hardest tasks in life. Whether it’s starting the day, meal prep, a project—anything. When we’re just beginning, we’re the furthest away from the end. The task feels heavy and endless, and it seems pointless to try […]

Tricking Myself into Motivation

One of my secrets to staying motivated is that I trick myself every day. My morning routine, daily schedule, and night routine are full of tricks designed to keep me on track. Here are some examples: I bought the easiest and best espresso and foam maker for my home, which helps me stop spending hundreds […]

Give Me a Sign

Change is challenging, especially when it’s hard to pinpoint exactly what to change or how to go about it. I’m experiencing multiple transitions right now: a new career, a new city, and the changes that come with being a 48-year-old female. While it can be exciting, I forget to find the thrill in the newness […]

On an Ordinary Day. The Extraordinary Way.

I have no big or exciting activities scheduled for today. There will be nothing to post about on social media, nothing to report back when I get home, and no new interesting stories to tell. Today is just a regular day. I have plans to do my morning routine, go on my daily bike ride, […]

Building Trust Through Discipline

Forget the idea of discipline as punishment. Instead, think of it as a powerful tool for building trust in yourself. Discipline is the promise you make to yourself to follow through on your goals, even when motivation wanes. It’s true that motivation makes things easier, but everyone has days where that fire isn’t burning bright. […]

Nothing Changes if Nothing Changes – The Power of Small Actions

Do you have a nagging feeling that something needs to change? You’re not alone. Our usual responses to life might not be ideal, but they’re familiar. Stepping outside our comfort zone and making changes, even small ones, can feel awkward and uncomfortable at first. But that’s where we can generate our strength. Discomfort is often […]

Let it Pain: Ache is a Signal, Not a Sentence

Pain is a universal language. It’s a flashing red light, a signal that something’s wrong. Our natural instinct might be to wish it away, numb it down, or ignore it altogether. But pain serves a purpose – it’s trying to get our attention. If we ignore that insistent ache, we miss an opportunity. We lose […]

How is That Interesting? – How to beat criticism with curiosity

Do you have a favorite day of the week? There’s the “TGIF” crowd, and then there are those who dread Mondays. Can you relate to my strange satisfaction in the fresh start a new work week brings? Maybe it’s the sense of rejuvenation from a relaxing or exciting weekend. Time off actually fuels my excitement […]

I Don’t Wanna

I don’t always feel like doing what I need to do, but skipping it creates a cycle of guilt and heavier work later. Here’s how I beat procrastination. First, I take the pressure off. I’m not aiming for perfection, just to keep my promise to myself about writing today. Second, I keep my tasks small […]

Mission Impossible

Have you ever dreamt of a career but dismissed it as ‘unrealistic’?  I did. But then I got a job doing kids’ parties. For years I played characters like Mrs. Claus, a jester, a clown, and even a ‘Powerful Ranger’. But being a kids’ party entertainer wasn’t just about balloons and face paint. It honed […]