Struggling to Start

“The secret to getting ahead is getting started.” – Mark Twain

Getting started can feel like one of the hardest tasks in life. Whether it’s starting the day, meal prep, a project—anything. When we’re just beginning, we’re the furthest away from the end. The task feels heavy and endless, and it seems pointless to try because the start is often filled with the most confusion and the least comfort.

So why bother? How do we even find the motivation to prioritize something so uncomfortable and uncertain?

That’s where tools come in. Not every tool works for everyone, but they’re worth trying. Here are some tools that work for me:

Small actions: Take the easiest, smallest action of the task. Agree that this is all you need to do to cross it off your list for today. The task becomes more bite-sized and manageable. For example, you’re not cleaning your whole home; you’re cleaning the corner of your room. Or even smaller, you’re putting away one thing in the living room.

Confess: Call someone and let them know what you hope to accomplish, and stay on the line while you start the task. For example, put your headphones on and chat while you do the dishes, or hop on a video call on mute and tackle the task knowing you’ll check in with your buddy in 15 minutes to share your progress.

Roll your eyes and/or cry: Feel the emotions you have about not wanting to do the task—and do it anyway. Try doing the work through the tears. You don’t have to let your emotions control your day. This might sound harsh, and I don’t always recommend it. Sometimes tears signal that I need a break, so I’ll take a moment to assess what I really need in those times.

It’s not going to be smooth every day, and my work won’t always show the results I’m hoping for. Starting is challenging, but it’s worth it. Think about the times you were proud of yourself. Those moments came from struggling and continuing to start again. Breezing through tasks is great, but rising to a challenge—even with mixed results—feels deeply satisfying.

ACTION: Try starting your next task with a small, easy step. Make it so simple that it’s almost impossible to refuse. Once you begin, let the rest follow naturally.


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