Patience Through Pain

I’m physically limited right now. The accident has affected my mobility, strength, and energy. I’m not functioning like I’m used to. On top of needing help with basic tasks—like washing my hair, opening jars, or carrying anything with weight—I also have to give myself a mental break. Physical recovery is hard on the mind too. Moving through pain, with simple tasks that now drain my energy and take double the time, requires a level of patience I’m learning to muster.

The first person I need patience from is me. If I don’t give myself the time and grace to get through what I can each day, or if I hold myself to past standards, I end up frustrated with myself. And if I’m short with myself, I’ll probably be short with others, too. The patience I give myself is what I can then give to the people around me.

So, I move slowly and practice patience with my new pace. It isn’t easy, but it’s simpler when I don’t fight it. If I’m honest about what I can do right now, I won’t hurt myself more by straining for what’s out of reach.

Adapting to these changes takes resilience, which we all need at different stages. We have to be flexible with ourselves and our lives. From adjusting to new life stages to handling changing prices and technology, life is full of things that ask us to let go of what was. Staying open to new situations, even when they feel like setbacks, is where strength grows. That’s why we practice these things daily. Mindful and physical exercises aren’t just routines—they’re tools for finding what’s possible right now.

Practicing gratitude keeps us aware of the good within what’s here today, and, as we keep going, we’re building the strength and resilience for whatever’s next. Meditation, physical movement, and journaling are three daily practices that also help us stay anchored in the present and connected to what’s actually happening inside and around us, rather than getting lost in what we’d prefer to be happening. These practices can also ease the mental noise that makes recovery or setbacks more overwhelming, helping us focus on what we can do, one step at a time. Each practice creates a space for processing, realigning, and noticing what matters.

ACTION: Take one mindful pause today. Breathe, reflect, and see where you can adjust your expectations with kindness.


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