Make “Most Days” Count: How to keep your habit even if you miss a day.

Years ago, when I first attempted morning yoga, the idea of a daily practice felt daunting. Stepping straight from no morning exercise to a sun salutation every single day? No way. Back then, I subscribed to the “all or nothing” mentality. If it wasn’t a perfect, rigid routine, I worried it wasn’t worth doing at all. This rigidity often led to discouragement after a missed session, which ultimately derailed my good intentions.

Now, I’ve come to realize that change is more like an experiment than a rigid path. It’s about trying different approaches and learning from the results, just like scientists!  “Most days” became my mantra. Suddenly, a missed session wasn’t a failure, just a blip on the radar. It allowed for the chaos life throws our way – a late night, a sick partner, an unexpected errand.  More importantly, it gave me room to experiment and find what worked for me.

This shift in perspective transformed my approach to change. Now, I embrace the “most days” philosophy for any new habit I want to build. It allows for flexibility, learning, and ultimately, a higher chance of success.

ACTION: Challenge yourself this week! Try a “most days” mentality for a new habit this week. Make it as small as you like. Track your progress and see how this shift in perspective can lead to greater success and less discouragement.


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