Why Feelings Matter

How are you? How are you doing? What are you feeling? These questions are everywhere, but they’ve mostly turned into polite greetings. We often respond with a quick, “Fine,” “Can’t complain,” or “Not bad.” But what if we paused and asked ourselves, “What am I really feeling right now?” A lot of us might feel a little lost. Identifying feelings isn’t always easy—especially by thinking through them. So instead, try listening to your body’s signals.

For example, when I’m anxious, my stomach churns, and my palms get sweaty. If your neck feels tense or your fists clench, anger might be present. A quick heartbeat and shallow breathing? That’s often fear. A warm, light feeling? You might be experiencing joy. Our bodies are our mind’s way of sending us clues about how we’re feeling.

But why does it matter? Why should we care about knowing what we’re feeling? Because our emotions drive our actions, whether we’re aware of it or not. If I don’t know I’m irritated, I might accidentally snap at someone. If I’m scared and unaware, I might start a fight or push someone away before understanding what I actually need.

Knowing our feelings helps us respond to life in a way that aligns with who we want to be. Ignoring our emotions often means we misunderstand situations or make choices we regret. By labeling our feelings, we give ourselves the chance to respond thoughtfully, rather than reacting on autopilot.

Our emotions may not always be convenient, but they’re there for a reason. Tuning into them helps us meet our needs and handle challenges with a little more care. When we’re honest about what we’re feeling, we can move through our days with intention, instead of getting pulled around by everything that happens. It’s not about controlling or escaping our emotions—it’s about knowing them well enough to respond with purpose.

ACTION: The next time you feel overwhelmed, try labeling the emotion before reacting. Name what’s coming up—stress, sadness, frustration. Just a small pause to label it can give you the space to choose what to do next. We don’t have to give in to every feeling or act on it immediately, but recognizing it is a step towards responding with intention.


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