I’m Every Woman

Sometimes I get really loud and excitable and need a party of people to have fun with. Sometimes, I think the world is too loud and I need to be quiet and alone. Sometimes I want to share my controversial opinions and scream them at everyone. Sometimes I just want to sit back and listen. Sometimes I feel like getting dressed up and ready to take on the world, and other days I’m perfectly content hanging out in my sweats all day long.

I’ve learned not to beat myself up about who I am in the moment. Why don’t I have the energy I had yesterday? Why am I so different from last week? I don’t suppress parts of myself by saying, “That’s not me. I’m only this way.” The truth is, there are so many versions of me that show up depending on the day, the mood, and the situation.

Getting to know myself means giving space to all these versions and learning to accept that they’re all valid. Life offers so many scenarios and moods, and I’ve realized that I can’t box myself into one way of being. When I give myself the freedom to try on these different “characters,” I learn more about who I am and how I can show up in the world. Think about it… when we talk to ourselves, who are we talking to? Who’s answering, and who’s listening? Everyone involved in that conversation is still me. The more I take the time to understand all these parts, the more I can embrace every version of myself.


Getting to Know Me

We make countless decisions every day, all based on the information and experiences we’ve accumulated throughout our lives. Why did we choose that salad for lunch? Why didn’t we book that beach...

Resistance and Discomfort

When I start a new habit or make a change in my life, I can feel a strong resistance in my mind and body. I want to do the task, believing it will improve my life, but there’s a struggle to...

The Power of Now

We hear it all the time: “be present,” “live in the moment.” But, what exactly does that mean? It’s not about ignoring your to-do list or forgetting about...

The Fixer

When someone comes to me with a problem, my inclination is to find solutions. I think we’ve all felt this way; if someone we love is struggling through something, we want to use our knowledge and our...

Mad About You

Some people think that because I’m interested in practicing mindfulness and work on my well-being means I never get angry, sad, or disappointed. The truth is, I experience a full range of...

Time Takes Time

Instant gratification. We all want it, me included. We crave the satisfaction of seeing our efforts pay off immediately. The uncertainty of whether the goal is worth the time, or even achievable, can...