Make It Manageable

When I start to feel overwhelmed by my day’s tasks, I try to remind myself: if the task feels too big, it’s not the next task. It needs to be broken down into smaller, manageable steps.

Any project I need to complete, any goal I want to reach, is really a series of smaller tasks that stack on top of each other. If I’m writing a book, I don’t sit down to “write a book.” I focus on a chapter. If a chapter feels like too much, I aim for a paragraph, then a sentence, and even a single word if necessary.

The same applies to something like cleaning the house. If the thought of tackling the whole house is overwhelming, I focus on one room. If that’s too much, I narrow it down to wiping one counter or washing one dish. The goal is to make the task so small that it becomes manageable.

Breaking things down not only makes tasks feel lighter but helps me take action, even when I’m stuck. It’s about finding a way to keep moving forward, no matter how small the step.

**ACTION:** Notice when you feel overwhelmed by a task. Break it down until it’s small enough to manage, then practice doing this regularly so it becomes a natural response when faced with big challenges.


Stop Should-ing All Over Yourself

It’s a new year! Ready for EVERYTHING? Probably not. There’s so much pressure around the new year. “I should be doing this”, “I should be doing that”, and I should be doing the next. But I can’t...